July Promises a Fascinating Dance of Celestial Energies Supporting us in a Journey into Knowing

Get ready for a bumpy but ultimately transformative cosmic ride this July

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June’s Energy Injects a Flavor of “Unstructured Inner Knowing”

June's cosmic blend promises gentle growth and a sprinkle of mild chaos. Stay grounded and adaptable.

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May’s Mantra: Be Kind to Yourself!

May's celestial energies offer a unique recipe for wellness. Embrace your most vibrant self!

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Eclipse Season Brings Intense Energy

Buckle up for cosmic shifts! Eclipse season brings intense energy, so be mindful and navigate with intention.

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March 2024 Ignites Potent Energy for Manifestation

This month offers the perfect opportunity to claim your vision for the future and propel yourself toward personal and professional growth

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The Cosmic Energies are Urging us to Propel Forward

February promises to be a month of liberation, awakening, and profound transformation.

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2024 Marks a Radical Shift

In 2024, we are poised for significant strides in elevating consciousness with unwavering integrity, leaving fear, judgement, and outdated beliefs behind.

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The Cosmic Energies in December

The cosmic energies in December are poised to guide us on a journey toward self-refinement, contributing to eventual collective healing. So, hold on tight!

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The Cosmic Energies in November

November cosmic energies are motivating us to boss up, be accountable, and take charge of our lives and destinies.

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The Six Retrograde Planets

The end of August presents six retrograded planets. This cosmic energy is encouraging us to cultivate patience, slow down, and reflect on renegotiating the terms of our reality.

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