Hi, I’m Roxanne Recto

I practice healing through nature and energy.

With many years of practice, I feel deeply connected with my purpose. By understanding the process and respecting its transformation, I have embraced and learned to love the significance of truly being well. I now devote my time to healing others.

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My Practice

My practice centers on transforming life through the immersive healing of body, mind and spirit.

At the core of my process is scanning and re-centering a person’s unique frequency. By tuning in and centering the body’s energies, mind, body and spirit are harmonized.

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My Services

My program combines both Eastern and Western disciplines of mental and physical health and wellness, creating a more holistic environment for you and your healing journey.

Help me understand what ails you

I feel...

Everything that we feel impacts our body landscape. All pain and discomforts may be symptoms of your body moving off-center. Confronting what ails you may be frightening, but i am here to guide you. We can evaluate your situation together and create a wellness plan that best suits your physical and spiritual energy.

Understand What I Feel Secure a Schedule


July Promises a Fascinating Dance of Celestial Energies Supporting us in a Journey into Knowing

Get ready for a bumpy but ultimately transformative cosmic ride this July

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June’s Energy Injects a Flavor of “Unstructured Inner Knowing”

June's cosmic blend promises gentle growth and a sprinkle of mild chaos. Stay grounded and adaptable.

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Constitutional Eating: A TCM Approach to Eating Based on your Body Type

Listen to the excerpts from my “Constitutional Eating: A TCM Way” talk featured in our UNRESTRICTED Learning Series.

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The Science of Breath in Meditation

Listen to the excerpts from my “Science of Breath in Meditation” talk featured in our UNRESTRICTED Learning Series.

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Medical Astrology

Listen to the excerpts of my “Medical Astrology” talk featured in our UNRESTRICTED Learning.

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